Know About Jain Hospital
Why Choose Jain Hospital
Jain hospital got affiliation under “Saubhagywati Maitretwa Yojna” Funded by NRHM(National rural health mission) on 13 may,2008..
Hospital is given Rs.1850/per delivery by GOI- NRHM scheme.
We are among the 5 hospital selected in Kanpur Nagar under this scheme.
All type of medical Treatment & surgery are conducted here in with OPD in all major speciality. Poor patients are given special concession.
- Jain hospital have two internet connection Broadband with 5-10 MB connectivity unlimited Pack and TATA photon plus.
- We have fully qualified doctors with concerned speciality degree in their respective field and qualified nursing staff.
- We are already providing free OPD consultation to BPL beneficiary & free diagnostics test for BPL.
- Substantial discounts (50%)on diagnostics tests and medical treatment for patients.
- We have necessary staff for maintenance of all the record of OPD and indoor patients.
- We have registration with chief medical officer(CMO),Reg No.00001672/ PNDT act and the income tax department.

- Jain hospital got affiliation under “Saubhagywati Maitretwa Yojna” Funded by NRHM(National rural health mission) on 13 may,2008
- Hospital was given Rs.1850/per delivery by GOI- NRHM scheme.
We are among the 5 hospital selected in Kanpur Nagar under this scheme.
- We got affiliated with RSBY(Rasgtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna) from June,2009 Scheme of GOI for BPL card holder, Till Date 2500 Patients has been admitted in our hospital and got treatment under the scheme,in which more than 1500 Major Surgery carried out free to the patients.
- Daily food and Transportation cost was also provided to the BPL card holder by the hospital.
- Our hospitals was running SAMBHAV voucher scheme for Slums periurban and urban Population in this area sponsored by HLPPT funded by USAID.This Programme was started on June 2008 and more than 1000 ANC(antenatal mother) was benefited by this scheme.
- Till now we have carried out 560 deliveries under this scheme and other services like IUD insertion,iron folic acid distribution,RTI treatment,USG foetal monitoring,investigation like Urine R/M,HB,VDRL,BL group was done for all ANC registred with us under the scheme.

Our Mission
“We got affiliated with RSBY(Rasgtriya Swasthya Bima Yojna) from June,2009 Scheme of GOI for BPL card holder,Till Date 2500 Patients has been admitted in our hospital and got treatment under the scheme,in which more than 1500 Major Surgery carried out free to the patients. Daily food and Transportation cost was also provided to the BPL card holder by the hospital.”
Dr.Rajesh Jain

CT- Scan
ABO Group
RA Factor, ASO Titre
Fasting/PP Sugar/Random Blood sugar
ABO Group
RA Factor, ASO Titre
Fasting/PP Sugar/Random Blood sugar
Serum cholesterol
ANC Checkup
PNC Checkup
Delivery Services
Normal Delivery
Complicated Delivery
Caesarean Delivery
RTI/ STI Treatment
Cu – T
DETAIL OF Facilities
Sl No | Rooms | Numbers Of bed | Cooled/Non-Cooled | |
1 | Single Private | 11 | Cooled | |
2 | Double Room | 4 | Cooled | |
3 | Gen Ward | 36 | Fan | |
4 | Emergency | 3 |
Facility Available in Hospital:
1. Operation Theater two (one in ground floor and one on Its floor).
2. Delivery Room: Labour Room: 2 No’s
3. 4 OPD for Doctors 24 hrs available.
4. Pathology and USG Facility 24 hrs.
5. X ray facility.
6. ECG Machine.
7. Ambulance facility 24 hrs.
8. Emergency medical store 24 hrs.
9. All types of Operations like Cesarean, Hysterectomy, Tumor of uterus, GB stone, Kidney stone, Piles, Appendicitis, Breast tumor, BPH, treatment & surgery of fracture of bone, abdominal surgery and all types of operations.
10. ANC check up, Delivery, MTP and treatment of Infertility.
11. Treatment of Heart Disease, Hypertension, Diabetes, Asthma, chest infection, Mental diseases and abdominal diseases from specialist (MD) doctor 24 hrs.
12. Surgical, Trauma emergency.
13. Treatment of childhood disease & Routine Immunization.
14. Free Treatment of Poor Patients.